DashLoc Contact Details:
Main address: 3rd Floor, 27th Main, 12th Cross Rd, 1st Sector, HSR Layout,560102Bengaluru, Karnataka, India ,
Tel:08041485914, E-mail: care@dashloc.com
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  • Best Practices

Security By Design

Our product engineering and service delivery principles are grounded in robust data security and privacy practices, which we prioritize and uphold.
Security By Design

Behind the engineering

As the steward of customers' data, Dashloc upholds a multi-faceted model of security architecture, ensuring robust product delivery and a highly resilient service platform as core principles of its service delivery.
Behind the engineering
Ensuring the security of your data
Data security model with multiple tiers
Secure product development
Comprehensive security throughout the product life cycle
Durable architecture
Continuous uptime for your business

Ensuring the security of your data

Recognizing the significance of data, we've implemented a robust system of data safeguards, enabling you to concentrate on utilizing your data rather than worrying about its security.
Ensuring the security of your data
Protected Virtual Private Clouds
Our infrastructure operates within dedicated Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) set to a non-promiscuous mode, further segmented to heighten security and manageability.
Enhanced Perimeter Security
We fortify routing rules based on predefined criteria, ensuring secure transactions across all resources.
Access Management
Role-based access control through IAM enforces segregation of duties, incorporates two-factor authentication, and maintains end-to-end audit trails, guaranteeing access aligned with security protocols.
Data Encryption
Utilizing AES 256-bit encryption for data at rest and HTTPS with TLS 1.2 encryption for data in transit, we uphold stringent encryption standards.
Streamlined Management Plane
We establish a secure administrative tunnel, exclusively accessible via whitelisted IP addresses, enabling secure administrative connections to servers through Teleport.
Proactive Malware & Spam Protection
Our system employs proactive malware and spam protection, continually updated with the latest threat signatures and supporting real-time scanning and security measures.

Integrated Security Measures

Every release cycle incorporates information security and data privacy requirements as integral components, forming essential considerations within the product's blueprint.
Integrated Security Measures
Product Roadmap Management
The Product Owner periodically defines and reviews the Product roadmap. Security fixes are prioritized and grouped in the earliest sprint feasible.
DevOps Team Structure
Our DevOps sprints are led by a diverse Squad comprising a Product Owner, Squad Lead, and Quality Assurance member.
Code Evaluation
All modifications undergo thorough testing by the Quality Assurance team, with established criteria for conducting code reviews, web vulnerability assessments, and advanced security tests.
Quality Assurance Standards
Builds undergo rigorous assessments for functionality, performance, stability, and user experience before being certified as 'Good to go.'
Version Management
Centralized source code management with version controls ensures restricted access based on team assignments to specific sprints. Detailed records are maintained for code changes and check-ins/check-outs.
Access Control
Access to the production environment is limited to a select few users based on job roles. Access for developers and Quality Assurance team members is strictly governed by their respective responsibilities.
Blue-Green Deployment Strategy
We employ a blue-green deployment approach for seamless upgrades to the production environment.

Robust Architecture

Our architecture is designed with resilience to guarantee the continuous availability of our product.
Robust Architecture
Enhanced Component Redundancy
All components are deployed in an 'n+1' configuration across multiple availability zones, operating in active-active mode behind a load balancing service.
Scalable DNS Infrastructure
Efficiently route users to optimal endpoints based on factors like geo-proximity, latency, and health.
Platform Load Balancing
Automatically distribute application traffic across multiple availability zones, supporting high availability, auto-scaling, and robust security measures.
Data Backup Procedures
Maintain near real-time backups in alternate AWS Availability Zones, with daily cloud snapshots retained for the last seven days.
Cross-Geographical Redundancy
Utilize multiple availability zones to serve customers in real-time, ensuring seamless disaster recovery capabilities.
Incident and Breach Management Protocols
Established procedures for reporting, tracking, and timely resolution of incidents, ensuring effective communication and investigation.
Content Distribution Network (CDN)
Geographically dispersed network of proxy servers and data centers to optimize service distribution relative to end-users, ensuring high availability and performance.
Security Operations Oversight
Continuous 24x7 monitoring and situation awareness, including detection, containment, and remediation of security incidents. Tactical rules and data sensors provide early warnings and alerts. 
Capacity Management Measures
Proactive capacity monitoring with conservative thresholds and the capability for on-demand capacity expansion through highly elastic hosting partners.